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Lisitra Swadesh

Avy amin'i Wikipedia

Ny lisitra Swadesh dia lisitry teny teny ao anatin' ny voambolana mahatohitra fiovana indrindra, novolavolain' ilay mpahay teny sady antrôpôlôgy amerikana atao hoe Morris Swadesh tamin' ny taompolo 1940-1950. Ampiasaina amin' ny haiteny mampitaha sy amin' ny haiteny ara-tantara ary koa amin' ny antrôpôlôjia izy io mba hamantarana ny voambolana fototra amin' ny fiteny rehetra izay vao sambany anaovana fandalinana, ary koa mba hamaritana ny haavon' ny fifanakaikezan' ny fiteny roa na maromaro.

Lisitra Swadesh amin' ny teny anglisy

[hanova | hanova ny fango]

Lisitra Swadesh farany ahitana teny anglisy miisa 100

[hanova | hanova ny fango]

Ny lisitra Swadesh farany, navoaka tamin' ny 1971, dia misy teny 100. Ny fanazavana ny teny dia hita ao amin' ny Swadesh 1952 na, izay marihina amin' ny sabatra (), ao amin' ny Swadesh 1955. Marihina fa io filaharana tany am-boalohany io ihany no manazava ny hevitry ny teny marina izay tsy milahatra araka ny abidia, ohatra, amin' ny tranga "27. bark" ("hodi-kazo", tany am-boalohany tsy nisy ny famaritana atovana eto).

  1. I (first person singular pronoun)
  2. you (second person singular pronoun; 1952 thou & ye)
  3. we (1955: inclusive)
  4. this
  5. that
  6. who? (“?” not 1971)
  7. what? (“?” not 1971)
  8. not
  9. all (of a number)
  10. many
  11. one
  12. two
  13. big
  14. long (not wide)
  15. small
  16. woman
  17. man (adult male human)
  18. person (individual human)
  19. fish (noun)
  20. bird
  21. dog
  22. louse
  23. tree (not log)
  24. seed (noun)
  25. leaf (botanics)
  26. root (botanics)
  27. bark (of tree)
  28. skin (1952: person’s)
  29. flesh (1952 meat, flesh)
  30. blood
  31. bone
  32. grease (1952: fat, organic substance)
  33. egg
  34. horn (of bull etc., not 1952)
  35. tail
  36. feather (large, not down)
  37. hair (on head of humans)
  38. head (anatomic)
  39. ear
  40. eye
  41. nose
  42. mouth
  43. tooth (front, rather than molar)
  44. tongue (anatomical)
  45. claw (not in 1952)
  46. foot (not leg)
  47. knee (not 1952)
  48. hand
  49. belly (lower part of body, abdomen)
  50. neck (not nape)
  51. breasts (female; 1955 breast)
  52. heart
  53. liver
  54. drink (verb)
  55. eat (verb)
  56. bite (verb)
  57. see (verb)
  58. hear (verb)
  59. know (facts)
  60. sleep (verb)
  61. die (verb)
  62. kill (verb)
  63. swim (verb)
  64. fly (verb)
  65. walk (verb)
  66. come (verb)
  67. lie (on side, recline)
  68. sit (verb)
  69. stand (verb)
  70. give (verb)
  71. say (verb)
  72. sun
  73. moon (not 1952)
  74. star
  75. water (noun)
  76. rain (noun, 1952 verb)
  77. stone
  78. sand
  79. earth (soil)
  80. cloud (not fog)
  81. smoke (noun, of fire)
  82. fire
  83. ash(es)
  84. burn (verb intransitive)
  85. path (1952 road, trail; not street)
  86. mountain (not hill)
  87. red (color)
  88. green (color)
  89. yellow (color)
  90. white (color)
  91. black (color)
  92. night
  93. hot (adjective; 1952 warm, of weather)
  94. cold (of weather)
  95. full
  96. new
  97. good
  98. round (not 1952)
  99. dry (substance)
  100. name

Lisitra Swadesh farany ahitana teny anglisy miisa 207

[hanova | hanova ny fango]

Ny lisitra be mpampiasa indrindra amin' izao fotoana izao dia ny lisitry Swadesh aitana teny misa 207, nalaina avy amin' ny Swadesh 1952. Ao amin' ny Wiktionary ("Swadesh lists by language", "Lisitra Swadesh isaky ny fiteny"), Panlex sy ao amin' ny "Swadesh Word List of Indo-European languages" ("Lisitry ny Teny Swadesh amin' ny fiteny indô-eorôpeana") an' i Palisto, lisitra Swadesh an-jatony amin' ity endrika ity dia azo jerena.

  1. I
  2. you (singular)
  3. they (singular)
  4. we
  5. you (plural)
  6. they (plural)
  7. this
  8. that
  9. here
  10. there
  11. who
  12. what
  13. where
  14. when
  15. how
  16. not
  17. all
  18. many
  19. some
  20. few
  21. other
  22. one
  23. two
  24. three
  25. four
  26. five
  27. big
  28. long
  29. wide
  30. thick
  31. heavy
  32. small
  33. short
  34. narrow
  35. thin
  36. woman
  37. man (adult male)
  38. man (human being)
  39. child
  40. wife
  41. husband
  42. mother
  43. father
  44. animal
  45. fish
  46. bird
  47. dog
  48. louse
  49. snake
  50. worm
  51. tree
  52. forest
  53. stick
  54. fruit
  55. seed
  56. leaf
  57. root
  58. bark (of a tree)
  59. flower
  60. grass
  61. rope
  62. skin
  63. meat
  64. blood
  65. bone
  66. fat (noun)
  67. egg
  68. horn
  69. tail
  70. feather
  71. hair
  72. head
  73. ear
  74. eye
  75. nose
  76. mouth
  77. tooth
  78. tongue (organ)
  79. fingernail
  80. foot
  81. leg
  82. knee
  83. hand
  84. wing
  85. belly
  86. guts
  87. neck
  88. back
  89. breast
  90. heart
  91. liver
  92. to drink
  93. to eat
  94. to bite
  95. to suck
  96. to spit
  97. to vomit
  98. to blow
  99. to breathe
  100. to laugh
  101. to see
  102. to hear
  103. to know
  104. to think
  105. to smell
  106. to fear
  107. to sleep
  108. to live
  109. to die
  110. to kill
  111. to fight
  112. to hunt
  113. to hit
  114. to cut
  115. to split
  116. to stab
  117. to scratch
  118. to dig
  119. to swim
  120. to fly
  121. to walk
  122. to come
  123. to lie (as in a bed)
  124. to sit
  125. to stand
  126. to turn (intransitive)
  127. to fall
  128. to give
  129. to hold
  130. to squeeze
  131. to rub
  132. to wash
  133. to wipe
  134. to pull
  135. to push
  136. to throw
  137. to tie
  138. to sew
  139. to count
  140. to say
  141. to sing
  142. to play
  143. to float
  144. to flow
  145. to freeze
  146. to swell
  147. sun
  148. moon
  149. star
  150. water
  151. rain
  152. river
  153. lake
  154. sea
  155. salt
  156. stone
  157. sand
  158. dust
  159. earth
  160. cloud
  161. fog
  162. sky
  163. wind
  164. snow
  165. ice
  166. smoke
  167. fire
  168. ash
  169. to burn
  170. road
  171. mountain
  172. red
  173. green
  174. yellow
  175. white
  176. black
  177. night
  178. day
  179. year
  180. warm
  181. cold
  182. full
  183. new
  184. old
  185. good
  186. bad
  187. rotten
  188. dirty
  189. straight
  190. round
  191. sharp (as a knife)
  192. dull (as a knife)
  193. smooth
  194. wet
  195. dry
  196. correct
  197. near
  198. far
  199. right
  200. left
  201. at
  202. in
  203. with
  204. and
  205. if
  206. because
  207. name

Lisitra fohy kokoa

[hanova | hanova ny fango]

Ny lisitra Swadesh–Yakhontov dia ampahany ahitana teny miisa 35 avy ao amin' ny lisitra Swadesh izay nataon' ilay Rosiana mpahay teny Sergei Yakhontov tamin' ny taona 1960 tany ho any, na dia tamin' ny 1991 aza no navoaka tamin' ny fomba ôfisialy ilay lisitra. Indreto izy ireo:

  1. I
  2. you (singular)
  3. this
  4. who
  5. what
  6. one
  7. two
  8. fish
  9. dog
  10. louse
  11. blood
  12. bone
  13. egg
  14. horn
  15. tail
  16. ear
  17. eye
  18. nose
  19. tooth
  20. tongue
  21. hand
  22. know
  23. die
  24. give
  25. sun
  26. moon
  27. water
  28. salt
  29. stone
  30. wind
  31. fire
  32. year
  33. full
  34. new
  35. name

Ohatra amin' ny lisitra Swadesh an' ny fiteny sasany

[hanova | hanova ny fango]

Lisitra Swadesh an' ny fiteny malagasy ahitana teny 207

[hanova | hanova ny fango]

Lisitra Swadesh an' ny fiteny frantsay sy malagasy ahitana teny 207

[hanova | hanova ny fango]

Inty ny lisitra Swadesh misy teny 207 amin' ny teny frantsay sy amin' ny teny malagasy.

No Teny frantsay Teny malagasy
1 je aho / izaho
2 tu, vous (manaja) anao / ianao
3 il izy
4 nous isika /atsika, izahay
5 vous (maro) anareo/ianareo
6 ils izy, izy ireo, ry zareo
7 ceci, celui-ci ity
8 cela, celui-là izany
9 ici eto
10 ao
11 qui iza
12 quoi inona
13 aiza
14 quand oviana (lasa), rahoviana (hoavy)
15 comment ahoana /manahoana
16 ne ... pas tsy
17 tout ny ... rehetra
18 beaucoup betsaka /maro
19 quelques vitsivitsy
20 peu kely
21 autre hafa
22 un iray
23 deux roa
24 trois telo
25 quatre efatra
26 cinq dimy
27 grand lehibe
28 long lava
29 large malalaka
30 épais matevina
31 lourd mavesatra
32 petit kely
33 court fohy
34 étroit tery
35 mince manify, mahia
36 femme vehivavy
37 homme (mâle adulte) lehilahy
38 homme (être humain) olombelona
39 enfant anaka / zanaka
40 femme (épouse) vady (vehivavy)
41 mari vady (lehilahy)
42 mère reny
43 père ray
44 animal biby
45 poisson trondro
46 oiseau vorona
47 chien alika, amboa
48 pou hao
49 serpent bibilava
50 ver kankana
51 arbre hazo
52 forêt ala
53 bâton kibay, tehina
54 fruit voankazo
55 graine voa
56 feuille (d'un végétal) ravina
57 racine faka, fototra
58 écorce hodi-kazo
59 fleur voninkazo
60 herbe ahitra , bozaka
61 corde tady
62 peau hoditra
63 viande hena
64 sang ra / lio
65 os taolana
66 graisse taviny
67 œuf antody
68 corne tandroka
69 queue (an' ny biby) rambo
70 plume (an' ny vorona) volom-borona
71 cheveux volo (amin' ny loha)
72 tête loha
73 oreille sofina
74 œil maso
75 nez orona
76 bouche vava
77 dent nify
78 langue (taova) lela
79 ongle hoho
80 pied tongotra
81 jambe ranjo
82 genou lohalika
83 main tanana
84 aile elatra
85 ventre kibo
86 entrailles, intestins tsinay
87 cou vozona, tenda
88 dos lamosina
89 poitrine tratra
90 cœur (taova) fo
91 foie aty
92 boire misotro
93 manger mihinana
94 mordre manaikitra
95 sucer mifiaka
96 cracher mandrehoka
97 vomir mandoa
98 souffler mitsoka
99 respirer miaina, misefo
100 rire hehy, tokiky
101 voir mahita
102 entendre maheno
103 savoir mahafantatra, mahay
104 penser mieritreritra
105 sentir (fanimboloana) manambolo
106 craindre matahotra, manahy
107 dormir matory
108 vivre velona
109 mourir modimandry, maty
110 tuer mamono
111 se battre miady
112 chasser (haza) mihaza
113 frapper mikapoka
114 couper mandidy
115 fendre mamaky
116 poignarder manatsatoka antsy
117 gratter mikiky, mikaoka
118 creuser mihady, mangady, mandavaka
119 nager milomano
120 voler (eny amin' ny habakabaka) manidina
121 marcher mandeha
122 venir avy, tonga, tamy
123 s'étendre, être étendu mamelatra
124 s'asseoir, être assis mipetraka
125 se lever, se tenir debout mifoha, mitsangana
126 tourner (intransitif) mihodina
127 tomber mianjera, lavo
128 donner manome
129 tenir mitantana
130 serrer, presser mamihina, manindry
131 frotter manakasoka
132 laver manasa
133 essuyer mamafa
134 tirer mitifitra
135 pousser manosika
136 jeter, lancer manoraka
137 lier mamehy, mamatotra
138 coudre manjaitra
139 compter manisa
140 dire milaza, miteny
141 chanter mihira, miantsa, mikalo
142 jouer milalao
143 flotter mitsinkafona
144 couler (ranoka) mikoriana
145 geler mandry (rano)
146 gonfler mibontsina
147 soleil masoandro
148 lune volana (satelita)
149 étoile kintana
150 eau rano
151 pluie orana
152 rivière renirano
153 lac farihy
154 mer ranomasina
155 sel sira
156 pierre vato
157 sable fasika
158 poussière vovoka
159 terre tany
160 nuage rahona
161 brouillard zavona
162 ciel lanitra
163 vent rivotra
164 neige ranomandry
165 glace rano mandry
166 fumée setroka
167 feu afo
168 cendre lavenona
169 brûler may
170 route lalana
171 montagne tondrombohitra
172 rouge mena
173 vert maitso
174 jaune mavo
175 blanc fotsy
176 noir mainty
177 nuit alina
178 jour andro
179 an, année taona
180 chaud mafana
181 froid mangatsiaka
182 plein feno
183 nouveau vaovao
184 vieux antitra, tonta
185 bon tsara
186 mauvais ratsy
187 pourri bobongolo, lo
188 sale maloto
189 droit mahitsy
190 rond boribory
191 tranchant maranitra
192 émoussé dombo
193 lisse malama
194 mouillé, humide mando
195 sec maina
196 juste, correct mendrika
197 près akaiky
198 loin lavitra
199 droite havanana, ankavanana
200 gauche havia, ankavia
201 à amin' ny, an' ny, any amin' ny
202 dans anaty
203 avec amin' ny (miaraka)
204 et sy, ndraiky, ary
205 si (fepetra) raha
206 parce que satria
207 nom anarana

Lisitra Swadesh an' ny fiteny anglisy sy malagasy ahitana teny 207

[hanova | hanova ny fango]

Inty ny lisitra Swadesh misy teny 207 amin' ny teny anglisy sy amin' ny teny malagasy.

Teny anglisy Teny malagasy
1 I (1sg) aho
2 you (2sg) ianao
3 he, she, it (3sg) izy
4 we (1pl) isika (inclusive), izahay (exclusive)
5 you (2pl) ianareo
6 they (3pl) izy, izy ireo, ry ireo
7 this ity
8 that izany
9 here eto
10 there ao
11 who iza
12 what inona
13 where aiza
14 when oviana (past), rahoviana (future)
15 how ahoana, manahoana
16 not tsy
17 all ny ... rehetra
18 many betsaka
19 some vitsivitsy
20 few kely
21 other hafa
22 one iray
23 two roa
24 three telo
25 four efatra
26 five dimy
27 big lehibe
28 long lava
29 wide malalaka
30 thick matevina
31 heavy mavesatra
32 small kely
33 short fohy
34 narrow tery
35 thin manify, mahia
36 woman vehivavy
37 man (adult male) lehilahy
38 man (human being) olombelona
39 child zaza
40 wife vady
41 husband vady
42 mother reny
43 father ray
44 animal biby
45 fish trondro, hazandrano
46 bird vorona
47 dog alika, amboa
48 louse hao
49 snake bibilava
50 worm kankana
51 tree hazo
52 forest ala
53 stick kibay, tehina
54 fruit voankazo
55 seed voa
56 leaf ravina
57 root faka, fototra
58 bark (of a tree) hodi-kazo
59 flower voninkazo
60 grass ahitra, bozaka
61 rope tady
62 skin hoditra
63 meat hena
64 blood ra
65 bone taolana
66 fat (noun) taviny
67 egg atody
68 horn tandroka
69 tail rambo
70 feather penina, volom-borona
71 hair bolo
72 head loha
73 ear sofina
74 eye maso
75 nose orona
76 mouth vava
77 tooth nify
78 tongue (organ) lela
79 fingernail hoho
80 foot tongotra
81 leg ranjo
82 knee luhalika
83 hand tanana
84 wing elatra
85 belly kibo
86 guts tsinay
87 neck vozona, tenda
88 back lamosina
89 breast tratra
90 heart fo
91 liver aty
92 to drink misotro
93 to eat mihinana
94 to bite manaikitra
95 to suck mifiaka
96 to spit mandrehoka
97 to vomit mandoa
98 to blow mitsoka
99 to breathe miaina, misefo
100 to laugh hehy, tokelaka
101 to see mahita
102 to hear maheno
103 to know mahafantatra
104 to think mieritreritra
105 to smell manambolo
106 to fear matahotra, manahy
107 to sleep matory
108 to live velona
109 to die nodimandry, maty
110 to kill mamono, mahafaty
111 to fight miady
112 to hunt mihaza
113 to hit mikapoka
114 to cut mandidy
115 to split mamaky
116 to stab manatsatoka antsy
117 to scratch mikiky, mikaoka
118 to dig mihady, mandavaka
119 to swim milomano
120 to fly manidina
121 to walk mandeha
122 to come avy, tonga, tamy
123 to lie (as in a bed) mivelatra
124 to sit mipetraka
125 to stand mifoha, mitsangana
126 to turn (intransitive) mihodina
127 to fall mihajera
128 to give manome
129 to hold mitantana
130 to squeeze mandray
131 to rub manakasoka
132 to wash manasa
133 to wipe mamafa
134 to pull mitifitra
135 to push manosika
136 to throw manoraka
137 to tie mamehy, manatotra
138 to sew manjaitra
139 to count manisa
140 to say milaza, miteny
141 to sing mihira, mikalo
142 to play milalao
143 to float mitsinkafona
144 to flow mikoriana
145 to freeze mandry
146 to swell mibontsina
147 sun masoandru
148 moon volana
149 star kintana
150 water rano
151 rain orana
152 river renirano
153 lake kamory, farihy
154 sea ranomasina, riaka
155 salt sira
156 stone vato
157 sand fasika
158 dust vovoka
159 earth tany
160 cloud rahona
161 fog zavona
162 sky lanitra
163 wind rivotra
164 snow ranomandry, lanezy
165 ice rano mandry
166 smoke setroka
167 fire avo
168 ash lavenona
169 to burn may
170 road lanana
171 mountain tondrombohitra
172 red mena
173 green maitso
174 yellow mavo
175 white fotsy
176 black mainty
177 night alina
178 day andro
179 year taona
180 warm mafana
181 cold mangatsiaka
182 full feno
183 new vaovao
184 old antitra, tonta
185 good tsara
186 bad ratsy
187 rotten bobongolo
188 dirty maloto
189 straight mahitsy
190 round boribory
191 sharp (as a knife) maranitra
192 dull (as a knife) dombo
193 smooth malama
194 wet mando
195 dry maina
196 correct mendrika
197 near akaiky
198 far lavitra
199 right havanana
200 left havia
201 at izy (postposition)
202 in anaty
203 with amin'ny
204 and sy, ary
205 if raha
206 because satria
207 name anarana

Lisitra Swadesh an' ny fiteny frantsay sy indôneziana ahitana teny 207

[hanova | hanova ny fango]

Indreto ny lisitra Swadesh misy teny 207 amin' ny teny indôneziana. Raha manana endrika maro ilay teny (fitanisana ny matoanteny, fifanarahana amin' ny kilahivavy, na amin' ny filaza isa, fiovana endrika), dia toy izao manaraka izao ny tsipelina ampiasaina:

Ho an' ny tranga manokana (tsy manana endrika tsy mitanisa, anarana kambavy, anarana amin' ny endrika milaza maro foana, ohatra), ny endrika tsotra indrindra no ampiasaina.

Lisitra Swadesh an' ny fiteny frantsay sy indôneziana ahitana teny 207

[hanova | hanova ny fango]

Inty ny lisitra Swadesh misy teny 207 amin' ny teny frantsay sy amin' ny teny indôneziana.

No Teny frantsay Teny indôneziana
1 je saya
2 tu, vous (manaja) saudara, Anda, tuan (manaja)
3 il dia
4 nous kami (manilika), kita ()
5 vous (maro) kalian
6 ils mereka
7 ceci, celui-ci ini
8 cela, celui-là itu
9 ici di sini
10 di sana
11 qui siapa
12 quoi apa
13 di mana
14 quand kapan
15 comment bagaimana
16 ne ... pas bukan, tidak
17 tout semua
18 beaucoup banyak
19 quelques beberapa
20 peu sedikit
21 autre lain
22 un satu
23 deux dua
24 trois tiga
25 quatre empat
26 cinq lima
27 grand besar
28 long panjang
29 large lebar
30 épais tebal
31 lourd berat
32 petit kecil
33 court pendek
34 étroit sempit
35 mince tipis
36 femme perempuan
37 homme (lehilahy lehibe) laki-laki
38 homme (olona) orang
39 enfant anak
40 femme (vady) istri
41 mari suami
42 mère ibu
43 père bapak
44 animal binatang
45 poisson ikan
46 oiseau burung
47 chien anjing
48 pou kutu
49 serpent ular
50 ver ulat
51 arbre pohon
52 forêt hutan
53 bâton tongkat, batang
54 fruit buah
55 graine biji
56 feuille (an' ny zavamaniry) daun
57 racine akar
58 écorce kulit kayu
59 fleur kembang
60 herbe rumput
61 corde tali
62 peau kulit
63 viande daging
64 sang darah
65 os tulang
66 graisse lemak
67 œuf telur
68 corne tanduk
69 queue (an' ny biby) buntut
70 plume (an' ny vorona) bulu
71 cheveux rambut
72 tête kepala
73 oreille telinga
74 œil mata
75 nez hidung
76 bouche mulut
77 dent gigi
78 langue (taova) lidah
79 ongle kuku
80 pied kaki
81 jambe kaki
82 genou lutut
83 main tangan
84 aile sayap
85 ventre perut
86 entrailles, intestins usus
87 cou leher
88 dos punggung
89 poitrine buah dada, susu
90 cœur (taova) jantung
91 foie hati
92 boire minum
93 manger makan
94 mordre gigit
95 sucer hisap
96 cracher ludah
97 vomir muntah
98 souffler tiup
99 respirer nafas
100 rire tertawa
101 voir lihat
102 entendre ndengar
103 savoir tahu
104 penser pikir
105 sentir (fanimboloana) cium
106 craindre takut
107 dormir tidur
108 vivre hidup
109 mourir mati
110 tuer bunuh
111 se battre berkelahi, berantam
112 chasser (haza) buru
113 frapper pukul
114 couper potong
115 fendre belah
116 poignarder tikam
117 gratter gores
118 creuser gali
119 nager renang
120 voler (eny amin' ny habakabaka) terbang
121 marcher jalan
122 venir datang
123 s'étendre, être étendu berdusta (toetra)
124 s'asseoir, être assis duduk (asa, toetra)
125 se lever, se tenir debout berdiri (asa, toetra)
126 tourner (tsy misy zoina) putar, belok
127 tomber jatuh
128 donner beri
129 tenir pegang
130 serrer, presser memeras
131 frotter gosok
132 laver cuci
133 essuyer sapu
134 tirer tarik
135 pousser dorong
136 jeter, lancer lempar
137 lier ikat
138 coudre jahit
139 compter hitung
140 dire kata
141 chanter nyanyi
142 jouer (milalao) main
143 flotter mengapung
144 couler (ranoka) mengalir
145 geler membeku
146 gonfler (tsy misy zoina) bertambah
147 soleil mata hari
148 lune bulan
149 étoile bintang
150 eau air
151 pluie hujan
152 rivière sungai
153 lac danau
154 mer laut
155 sel garam
156 pierre batu
157 sable pasir
158 poussière debu
159 terre (nofon-tany) bumi, darat
160 nuage awan
161 brouillard kabut
162 ciel langit
163 vent angin
164 neige salju
165 glace es
166 fumée asap
167 feu api
168 cendre abu
169 brûler (tsy misy zoina) bakar
170 route jalan
171 montagne gunung
172 rouge merah
173 vert hijau
174 jaune kuning
175 blanc putih
176 noir hitam
177 nuit malam
178 jour hari
179 an, année tahun
180 chaud hangat, (panas-hot)
181 froid dingin
182 plein penuh
183 nouveau baru
184 vieux lama, tua
185 bon baik
186 mauvais buruk, jelek
187 pourri busuk
188 sale kotor
189 droit (mahitsy) lurus
190 rond bulat
191 tranchant tajam
192 émoussé tumpul
193 lisse licin
194 mouillé, humide basah
195 sec kering
196 juste, correct betul
197 près dekat
198 loin jauh
199 droite kanan
200 gauche kiri
201 à ke
202 dans dalam
203 avec (miaraka) dengan
204 et dan
205 si (fepetra) kalau
206 parce que karena
207 nom nama

Lisitra Swadesh an' ny fiteny anglisy sy indôneziana ahitana teny 207

[hanova | hanova ny fango]

Inty ny lisitra Swadesh misy teny 207 amin' ny teny anglisy sy amin' ny teny indôneziana.

Teny anglisy Teny indôneziana
1 I (1sg) saya, aku
2 you (2sg) kamu, engkau
3 he, she, it (3sg) dia
4 we (1pl) kami (exclusive), kita (inclusive)
5 you (2pl) kalian
6 they (3pl) mereka
7 this ini
8 that itu
9 here di sini
10 there di sana, di situ
11 who siapa
12 what apa
13 where di mana
14 when kapan
15 how bagaimana
16 not bukan, tidak
17 all semua
18 many banyak
19 some beberapa
20 few sedikit
21 other lain
22 one satu
23 two dua
24 three tiga
25 four empat
26 five lima
27 big besar
28 long panjang
29 wide lebar
30 thick tebal
31 heavy berat
32 small kecil
33 short pendek
34 narrow sempit
35 thin tipis
36 woman perempuan, wanita
37 man (adult male) lelaki, laki-laki, pria
38 man (human being) manusia
39 child anak
40 wife istri
41 husband suami
42 mother ibu
43 father ayah
44 animal binatang
45 fish ikan
46 bird burung
47 dog anjing
48 louse kutu
49 snake ular
50 worm cacing
51 tree pohon
52 forest hutan
53 stick ranting
54 fruit buah
55 seed biji
56 leaf daun
57 root akar
58 bark (of a tree) pepagan
59 flower bunga
60 grass rumput
61 rope tali
62 skin kulit
63 meat daging
64 blood darah
65 bone tulang
66 fat (noun) lemak
67 egg telur
68 horn tanduk
69 tail ekor
70 feather bulu
71 hair rambut
72 head kepala
73 ear telinga
74 eye mata
75 nose hidung
76 mouth mulut
77 tooth gigi
78 tongue (organ) lidah
79 fingernail kuku
80 foot kaki
81 leg tungkai
82 knee lutut
83 hand tangan
84 wing sayap
85 belly perut
86 guts usus
87 neck leher
88 back punggung
89 breast payudara
90 heart jantung
91 liver hati
92 to drink minum, meminum
93 to eat makan, memakan
94 to bite gigit, menggigit
95 to suck hisap, menghisap
96 to spit ludah, meludah
97 to vomit muntah
98 to blow tiup, meniup
99 to breathe nafas, bernafas
100 to laugh tawa, tertawa
101 to see lihat, melihat
102 to hear dengar, mendengar
103 to know tahu, mengetahui
104 to think pikir, berpikir
105 to smell bau, membau
106 to fear takut
107 to sleep tidur
108 to live hidup
109 to die mati
110 to kill bunuh, membunuh
111 to fight kelahi, berkelahi
112 to hunt buru, berburu
113 to hit pukul, memukul
114 to cut potong, memotong
115 to split belah, membelah
116 to stab tusuk, menusuk
117 to scratch garuk, mengaruk
118 to dig gali, menggali
119 to swim renang, berenang
120 to fly terbang
121 to walk jalan, berjalan
122 to come datang
123 to lie (as in a bed) baring, berbaring
124 to sit duduk (action, state)
125 to stand diri, berdiri (action, state)
126 to turn (intransitive) belok, berbelok
127 to fall jatuh
128 to give beri, memberi
129 to hold pegang, memegang
130 to squeeze peras, memeras
131 to rub gosok, menggosok
132 to wash cuci, mencuci
133 to wipe hapus, menghapus
134 to pull tarik, menarik
135 to push dorong, mendorong
136 to throw lempar, melempar
137 to tie ikat, mengikat
138 to sew jahit, menjahit
139 to count hitung, menghitung
140 to say kata, berkata
141 to sing nyanyi, bernyanyi
142 to play main, bermain
143 to float apung, mengapung
144 to flow alir, mengalir
145 to freeze beku, membeku
146 to swell bengkak, membengkak
147 sun matahari
148 moon bulan
149 star bintang
150 water air
151 rain hujan
152 river sungai
153 lake danau
154 sea laut
155 salt garam
156 stone batu
157 sand pasir
158 dust debu
159 earth bumi
160 cloud awan
161 fog kabut
162 sky langit
163 wind angin
164 snow salju
165 ice es
166 smoke asap
167 fire api
168 ash abu
169 to burn bakar
170 road jalan
171 mountain gunung
172 red merah
173 green hijau
174 yellow kuning
175 white putih
176 black hitam
177 night malam
178 day hari
179 year tahun
180 warm hangat
181 cold dingin
182 full penuh
183 new baru
184 old lama, tua
185 good baik
186 bad buruk
187 rotten busuk
188 dirty kotor
189 straight lurus
190 round bulat
191 sharp (as a knife) tajam
192 dull (as a knife) tumpul
193 smooth halus
194 wet basah
195 dry kering
196 correct betul
197 near dekat
198 far jauh
199 right kanan
200 left kiri
201 at di
202 in dalam
203 with dengan
204 and dan
205 if kalau
206 because karena
207 name nama

Lisitra Swadesh an' ny fiteny soahily ahitana teny 207

[hanova | hanova ny fango]

Indreto ny lisitra Swadesh misy teny 207 amin' ny teny soahily. Ny teny ialohavan-tsipika (-) dia ny fototenin' ny matoanteny na ny an' ny mpamaritra, izay tokony ampiana tovona raha hampifanarahina amin' ny mpandray anjara asa ao amin' ny fehezanteny.

Lisitra Swadesh an' ny fiteny frantsay sy soahily ahitana teny 207

[hanova | hanova ny fango]

Inty ny lisitra Swadesh misy teny 207 amin' ny teny frantsay amin' ny teny soahily.

No Teny frantsay Teny soahily
1 je mimi
2 tu, vous (manaja) wewe
3 il yeye
4 nous sisi
5 vous (maro) nyinyi
6 ils wao
7 ceci, celui-ci huyu (olona), hii, hiki, hili, huu
8 cela, celui-là lile, ule, yule, ile, kile
9 ici hapa
10 pale
11 qui nani (manontany)
12 quoi nini (manontany)
13 wapi (tsy mihetsika, manontany)
14 quand lini (manontany)
15 comment vipi (manontany)
16 ne ... pas si
17 tout -ote
18 beaucoup sana (tena) / -ingi (maro)
19 quelques baadhi ya / chache
20 peu kidogo
21 autre ingine
22 un moja
23 deux mbili
24 trois tatu
25 quatre nne
26 cinq tano
27 grand -kuu
28 long -refu
29 large -pana
30 épais -nene
31 lourd -zito
32 petit -dogo
33 court -fupi
34 étroit -embamba
35 mince -anana
36 femme bibi, gashi
37 homme (lehilahy lehibe) mwanamume
38 homme (olona) mtu
39 enfant mtoto
40 femme (vady) mke
41 mari mume
42 mère mama
43 père baba
44 animal mnyama
45 poisson samaki
46 oiseau ndege
47 chien mbwa
48 pou chawa
49 serpent nyoka
50 ver funza, uchango
51 arbre mti
52 forêt msitu
53 bâton fimbo
54 fruit tunda
55 graine mbegu
56 feuille (ravina) jani
57 racine mzizi
58 écorce gamba
59 fleur ua
60 herbe nyasi
61 corde kamba
62 peau ngozi
63 viande nyama
64 sang damu
65 os mfupa
66 graisse mori
67 œuf yai
68 corne pembe
69 queue (an' ny biby) mkia
70 plume (an' ny vorona) unyoya
71 cheveux nywele
72 tête kichwa
73 oreille sikio
74 œil jicho
75 nez pua
76 bouche kinywa
77 dent jino
78 langue (taova) ulimi
79 ongle ukucha
80 pied mguu
81 jambe mguu
82 genou goti
83 main mkono
84 aile bawa, ubawa
85 ventre tumbo
86 entrailles, intestins utumbo
87 cou shingo
88 dos mgongo
89 poitrine kifua
90 cœur (taova) moyo
91 foie ini
92 boire -nywa
93 manger -la
94 mordre -donoa
95 sucer -amwa
96 cracher -tema
97 vomir -tapika
98 souffler -puliza
99 respirer -pumua
100 rire -cheka
101 voir -ona
102 entendre -sikia
103 savoir -fahamu
104 penser -fikiri, -dhani, -waza
105 sentir (fanimboloana) -nukilia
106 craindre -ogopa
107 dormir -lala
108 vivre -ishi
109 mourir -fa
110 tuer -ua
111 se battre -pigana
112 chasser (haza) -winda
113 frapper -gonga, -piga
114 couper -kata
115 fendre -pasua
116 poignarder -choma
117 gratter -kuna, -parua
118 creuser -chimba
119 nager -ogelea
120 voler (eny amin' ny habakabaka) -paa
121 marcher -tembea
122 venir -ja
123 s'étendre, être étendu -gona (action)
124 s'asseoir, être assis -keti (action, état)
125 se lever, se tenir debout -amka (action)
126 tourner (tsy misy zoina) -pindua
127 tomber -anguka
128 donner -pa
129 tenir -shika
130 serrer, presser -kaba, -minya, -kamua
131 frotter -sugua
132 laver -safisha
133 essuyer -futa
134 tirer -vuta
135 pousser -guta
136 jeter, lancer -tupa
137 lier -funga
138 coudre -shona
139 compter -hesabu
140 dire -sema
141 chanter -imba
142 jouer (milalao) -cheza
143 flotter -elea
144 couler (ranoka) -tiririka
145 geler -ganda
146 gonfler (tsy misy zoina) -fura
147 soleil jua
148 lune mwezi
149 étoile nyota
150 eau maji
151 pluie mvua
152 rivière mto
153 lac ziwa
154 mer bahari
155 sel chumvi
156 pierre jiwe
157 sable mchanga
158 poussière vumbi
159 terre (nofon-tany) ardhi
160 nuage wingu
161 brouillard ukungu
162 ciel mbingu
163 vent homu
164 neige theluji
165 glace barafu
166 fumée moshi
167 feu moto
168 cendre majivu
169 brûler (tsy misy zoina) -waka
170 route njia
171 montagne mlima
172 rouge -ekundu
173 vert kijani
174 jaune manjano
175 blanc -eupe
176 noir -eusi
177 nuit usiku
178 jour siku
179 an, année mwaka
180 chaud moto
181 froid baridi
182 plein -nene
183 nouveau -pya
184 vieux -zee
185 bon -ema
186 mauvais -baya
187 pourri -bovu
188 sale -chafu
189 droit (mahitsy) nyofu
190 rond duara
191 tranchant chungu
192 émoussé butu
193 lisse -ororo
194 mouillé, humide kimaji
195 sec -kavu
196 juste, correct sahihi
197 près karibu
198 loin mbali
199 droite kuume
200 gauche kushoto
201 à pa
202 dans bi, fi
203 avec (miaraka) na
204 et na
205 si (fepetra) kama
206 parce que kwa kuwa
207 nom jina

Lisitra Swadesh an' ny fiteny anglisy sy soahily ahitana teny 207

[hanova | hanova ny fango]

Inty ny lisitra Swadesh misy teny 207 amin' ny teny anglisy sy amin' ny teny soahily.

No. Teny anglisy Teny soahily
1 I mimi
2 you (singular) wewe
3 he yeye
4 we sisi
5 you (plural) ninyi
6 they wao
7 this huyu (person), hii, hiki, hili, huu
8 that lile, ule, yule, ile, kile
9 here hapa / huku / humu
10 there pale / kule / mle
11 who nani (interrogative)
12 what nini (interrogative)
13 where wapi (no movement, interrogative)
14 when lini (interrogative)
15 how vipi (interrogative)
16 not si, -si-, ha-
17 all -ote
18 many -ingi
19 some baadhi ya / chache
20 few kidogo / chache
21 other -ingine
22 one moja / mosi
23 two mbili / pili / wili
24 three -tatu
25 four -nne
26 five -tano
27 big -kubwa
28 long -refu
29 wide -pana
30 thick -nene
31 heavy -zito
32 small -dogo
33 short -fupi
34 narrow -embamba
35 thin -anana
36 woman mwanamke
37 man (adult male) mwanamume
38 man (human being) mtu
39 child mtoto
40 wife mke
41 husband mume
42 mother mama
43 father baba
44 animal mnyama
45 fish samaki
46 bird ndege
47 dog mbwa
48 louse chawa
49 snake nyoka
50 worm funza
51 tree mti
52 forest msitu
53 stick fimbo, mti
54 fruit tunda
55 seed mbegu
56 leaf jani
57 root mzizi
58 bark (of a tree) gamba
59 flower ua
60 grass nyasi
61 rope kamba
62 skin ngozi
63 meat nyama
64 blood damu
65 bone mfupa
66 fat (noun) mori / mafuta
67 egg yai
68 horn pembe
69 tail mkia
70 feather unyoya
71 hair nywele
72 head kichwa
73 ear sikio
74 eye jicho
75 nose pua
76 mouth kinywa
77 tooth jino
78 tongue (organ) ulimi
79 fingernail ukucha
80 foot mguu
81 leg mguu
82 knee goti
83 hand mkono
84 wing ubawa
85 belly tumbo
86 guts utumbo
87 neck shingo
88 back mgongo
89 breast ziwa, dodo
90 heart moyo
91 liver ini
92 to drink -nywa
93 to eat -la
94 to bite -donoa
95 to suck -amwa
96 to spit -tema
97 to vomit -tapika
98 to blow -puliza
99 to breathe -pumua
100 to laugh -cheka
101 to see -ona
102 to hear -sikia
103 to know -fahamu, -jua
104 to think -fikiri, -dhani, -waza
105 to smell -nukilia
106 to fear -ogopa
107 to sleep -lala
108 to live -ishi (in a place)
109 to die -fa
110 to kill -ua
111 to fight -pigana
112 to hunt -winda
113 to hit -gonga, -piga
114 to cut -kata
115 to split -pasua
116 to stab -choma
117 to scratch -kuna, -parua
118 to dig -chimba
119 to swim -ogelea
120 to fly -paa
121 to walk -tembea
122 to come -ja
123 to lie (as in a bed) -gona (action)
124 to sit -kaa
125 to stand -simama (action)
126 to turn (intransitive) -pindua
127 to fall -anguka
128 to give -pa
129 to hold -shika
130 to squeeze -kaba, -minya, -kamua
131 to rub -sugua
132 to wash -safisha
133 to wipe -futa
134 to pull -vuta
135 to push -guta / -sukuma
136 to throw -tupa
137 to tie -funga
138 to sew -shona
139 to count -hesabu
140 to say -sema
141 to sing -imba
142 to play -cheza
143 to float -elea
144 to flow -tiririka
145 to freeze -ganda
146 to swell -fura
147 sun jua
148 moon mwezi
149 star nyota
150 water maji
151 rain mvua
152 river mto
153 lake ziwa
154 sea bahari
155 salt chumvi
156 stone jiwe
157 sand mchanga
158 dust vumbi
159 earth ardhi
160 cloud wingu
161 fog ukungu
162 sky uwingu, anga
163 wind upepo
164 snow theluji
165 ice barafu
166 smoke moshi
167 fire moto
168 ash majivu
169 to burn -waka
170 road njia, barabara
171 mountain mlima
172 red -ekundu
173 green kijani
174 yellow manjano
175 white -eupe
176 black -eusi
177 night usiku
178 day siku
179 year mwaka
180 warm moto
181 cold baridi
182 full -nene
183 new -pya
184 old -zee
185 good -ema, -zuri
186 bad -baya, -ovu
187 rotten -bovu
188 dirty -chafu
189 straight nyofu
190 round duara
191 sharp (as a knife) chungu
192 dull (as a knife) butu
193 smooth -ororo
194 wet kimaji
195 dry -kavu
196 correct sahihi
197 near karibu
198 far mbali
199 right kuume, kulia
200 left kushoto
201 at pa, kwa, kwenye
202 in ndani ya, katika
203 with na
204 and na
205 if kama
206 because kwa sababu, kwa kuwa
207 name jina